Sunday, September 19, 2010

Review: Toy Story 3 Glo Doodle

At the moment we are slightly obsessed with 'Toy Story' in our household and so we could be nothing but delighted when we discovered the new 'Toy Story 3' edition Glo Doodle.

We've tried the 'Magna Doodle' and the 'Etch-a-Sketch', but never before have we tried the 'Glo Doodle.' Now I realise what we have been missing out on.

Taking the Glo Doodle out of the box and fitting in the batteries, we were greeted with a box of light which offered us a whole host of creative options. The children were immediately attracted to it because of the Toy Story theme, but picking the Glo Doodle up, they soon realised that there was double fun to be had. Toy Story characters and the fact that they could draw and trace in light. Wow!

The Glo Doodle comes with 6 traceable Toy Story characters which you are able to trace using the transparent screen and either your finger or the writing implement that comes with the Glo Doodle. The children absolutely loved doing this but they loved even better the fact that you could then put on the 3D glasses and get a totally new depth to the drawings. Press the 'magic erase' button and begin all the fun all over again!

We really couldn't find any negatives with this product. We loved the fact that you could create lots of different textures by smudging your finger across and then using your nail to define areas. There is probably a wealth of effects and projects you could do on the Glo Doodle. Perhaps you could take a look at a website such as Art Attack for inspiration.

My 22 month old son was amazed to see his scribbles light up and my 8 year old son was intrigued by the different effects he could achieve. The Glo Doodle even provided a novel way of helping him learn his times table as he was only too happy to write them out using the Glo Doodle.

This would be great for any long car journeys or any time you are feeling in the slightest bit creative.

We give this toy a definite 10/10!

Available from Toys R Us or Argos.

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