There are some brands which just exude quality; Silver Cross is one of them. Silver Cross is synonymous with style, good design, comfort and the all-round knowledge that your baby has the best. Design and detail is really Silver Cross's forte, the idea behind their thinking being that you always start by thinking small. Small like wheels and handles, hinges and bolts. They say that by concentrating on the small things, the medium things work out right and before you know it the whole thing is perfect. So it's perfectly clear that every little detail is well thought out on a Silver Cross product. I think this bag is a perfect example of that mantra. Every little detail is well thought out and exquisitely beautiful.
The first important detail I must mention about this bag is that Silver Cross has brought in a designer named Bill Amberg. Bill Amberg is an iconic British leather craftsman and designer. When you take a look at the bag it is clear to see why Amberg has become so renowned for his workmanship. Tasteful design accompanied with quality materials put this one step ahead of other changing bags on the market.
Take a look at the outer packaging and you will realise that a treasure is contained within. You have a very classy box; simple white and gold. There's not much written on the box, but with the few words that are displayed on the box you know that the bag is not going to disappoint.
At £135.00 it's not the cheapest changing bag around but the leather is very durable so will last you a long time. The bag also has more shelf-life than your average changing bag as no one would know that it is a changing bag, so you could use this for much longer. You will be guaranteed to be the yummiest mummy around carrying this.
For more info visit Silver Cross
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