Sunday, December 13, 2009

George Saves the World by Lunchtime

"Today I'm going to save the world by lunchtime!" George tells Grandpa one morning. And with a little help from Grandpa he does.

Join him as he saves electricity, recycles rubbish, repairs his toys and visits the farmers market. Children everywhere will be delighted to discover how their everyday actions can affect the world around them.

This is a very eco-friendly book inspired by the Eden Project in Cornwall. George is an everyday kid who wears normal clothes and becomes an instant superhero by tying an old sheet around him as a cape and putting in to practice the four R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair.)

The book is written in an easy to understand manner and incorporates cartoon elements, photos and text to maintain children's interest. The use of bright colours and fun images makes the book seem very appealing. Because of the fact that George does everything that every little boy does each day, children can relate to each scenario played out in the book.

Grandpa is a useful character in the book as his age affords him a wealth of knowledge which he can bestow upon George. Every child knows about recycling but do they know the importance behind recycling? Grandpa provides reasons on why the four R's are so important.

As you can see from the above picture, children can spend a few minutes browsing these pictures for ideas on how they can help the planet. The visual elements of the book are great for younger children to understand what things they can do to reduce harm to the planet.

The first lesson George learns in the book is that leftover breakfast foods can be composted instead of being thrown in the bin. Lights can be turned off and washing can be hung on the line. Saving electricity saves the world! It was interesting how the book explained exactly how electricity is made; by giant magnets spun around by jets of steam. The steam is made of burning coal and burning coal causes pollution. Not even I knew exactly how electricity was made. So a storyline that educates accompanied by interesting facts and tips is what you can expect throughout each page of the book.

George then decides to sort out his room and give all unwanted items to a charity shop. This means less waste on landfill sites.

Repairing makes things last longer and means that less waste is produced for landfill sites.

The book makes recycling seem great fun.

More interesting facts are littered throughout the book.

The recurrent theme throughout the book clearly shows children that they really can save the planet by doing simple everyday actions. A really enjoyable book that brought home to my son exactly why we separate papers and plastics from our everyday bin.

An excellent book!

Available from Eden Project

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