Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Biscuiteers biscuits

It's that dreaded time of the year again when children and parents get that sinking feeling of 'back to school/work blues'. Parents rushing around madly to make sure last minute uniform alterations are made, searching out those elusive wide-fitting shoes and worrying madly how their child will react to a new teacher and classmates. Children becoming subdued after the summer holidays rolled out endlessly for them. And now a snap of the fingers come and far from being able to do whatever they desired they find that now routine and reams of homework are back on the agenda. So how could I put a happier slant on going back to school?

Well after much searching on the internet I came across a delightful company called 'The Biscuiteers'. After taking a look at the wonderful array of biscuits they sold I could honestly say I felt like a child in a sweetshop. So many delicate and amazing biscuits to choose from. The biscuits looked like they belonged in 'The Mad Hatters Tea Party' in Alice in Wonderland. I sat by my computer and devoured mentally all the detail, colours and themes. There were tons of designs to choose from but I had narrowed it down to three particular designs which had taken my fancy:

  • Creepy crawlies
  • Bag lady
  • Teachers Pet
Then it suddenly hit me what a great gift these would make for cheering someone up - my little boy (one of the most precious people in my life) was going back to school. The 'Teachers Pet' biscuits were perfect for him. He had told me enough times in the past few weeks that he did not want to go back to school. So my thinking was that something fun associated with school would make school seem like not such a bad place. I decided to go with the flow and buy some. Would I be disappointed?

I only had to wait until the next day as the parcel was sent out on next day special delivery. Upon opening the package I instantly realised this was no mistake on my behalf, this was a gloriously luxurious buy - one which made me feel 'a million dollars.' The outer box was a gift in itself - with a glamorous feel about it. The box was pink and white and looked like a miniature shop sitting on my worktop. It's the type of box that you just want to leave laying about to impress people.
Established in 2007 - Biscuiteers are really the way forward. The best thing being that each biscuit is made of the best locally sourced ingredients and is infused with passion as each biscuit is individually hand iced.

After admiring the outer box I was eager to see the contents and I was not disappointed.As you can see they were luxuriously packaged up and the feeling was something akin to opening a present on Christmas morning. I thought I would take a peek before I gave them to Corey just to quell my own excitement. I peeled off the Biscuiteers logo carefully, not wanting to rip any of the delicate tissue.

The first thing you see upon opening are these little cards. 'Why send flowers when you can send biscuits instead?' and it makes sense doesn't it? People get flowers all the time, half of the time not a lot of thought goes in to giving flowers. But biscuits - everybody loves biscuits! Especially themed biscuits! How delightful are these biscuits?????? I loved the blackboard. So much detail. I couldn't wait to see Corey's face when I gave him these. And so, do you want to see it? Do you? Do you? Oh, all right then...............

Look how happy he is! And this was the morning of his first day back at school. Hee Hee - so my evil plan worked (evil laugh)! I can't tell you how lovely it was to see how bright and breezy he was - it made it worth every penny that I spent on the biscuits!

Corey thought it was even more amazing that the second sheet added up to his age!Corey thought this was one of the best ways to start a school year ever!!!!

(Corey thinking how lucky he is!)

Look how detailed they are!

So now the key question - what did they taste like? As soon as I opened the box the aroma of freshly baked biscuits hit my nostrils. It was like being transported in to the worlds best bakery. But alas I didn't want to take one out as I wanted Corey to have the full impact of seeing a full box so I had to contain my excitement to eat one until Corey had seen them. When Corey bit in to one he announced that it was like being in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' All I could hear was 'mmmmmm'. And I can vouch for the fact that they simply are delicious. I am not usually a fan of chocolatey based biscuits but after trying these I can safely say I am now a convert. The icing flavour was amazing and the actual biscuit base seemed to melt in the mouth. It made for a memorable tasting!

Any friends and family who visited us commented on the box and so we obliged their curiousness by giving them a biscuit - there was plenty to share around in each box. They all said the same thing - delicious.

So when Corey came home from school and said how kind and lovely his teacher was and allayed all my worries, I suggested to him that we give her a very special gift. Yes, you've guessed it! He couldn't wait to get in the next day to give it to her. We chose the blackboard one - how unique is that!! And that really is the beauty of this tin, you can keep them all for yourself or you can share the joy! We wrapped the blackboard up in orange crepe tissue and it looked amazing! I just wish I had captured the teachers face on camera for you, all I know was Corey came home pupil of the day...........................

The biscuits cost £37.50 and are worth every penny - yum!!!

Available from

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